Stainless Steel Fittings

Stainless Steel Fittings give the exact control intended with the highest possible reliability. The extensive range of sanitary and industrial fittings makes this one of the major players in the food, dairy and beverage industries.
'I' Clamp interlocking fittings offer quick connect and disconnect and saves on labour costs over multi-bolt fittings.
'S' Clamp face-to-face fittings maintain product purity, yet gives quick release service at a reasonable price.
Butt weld configuration are ideal for reduced maintenance costs or where high corrosion resistance is desired.
ASME BPE Fittings compliant Automatic Weld Fittings (AWE/BPE) are316L stainless steel, sulphur controlled with confirmed metallurgy and fully traceable heat numbers. Each fitting is capped and sealed in its own bag for protection and cleanliness. Material reports are provided with all orders of BPE fittings.